Tuesday, February 2, 2010

gotta get an rv

how sweet are these things... i love airstreams, they are sleek and sexy. i've always wanted to take one cross country, one day it will happen! i have been itching to drive out to dover fl for awhile to catch a sight of the airstream ranch. they look almost like tombstones of... silver beasts, up straight with a slight tilt, glimmering in all their former glory. this morning i drove out there, coffee in tow and airstreams on my mind. way out on a country dirt road, down a whirly path and over mushy land i arrived. they are massive! i stood underneath the tallest one in the middle and told myself how screwed i would be if it decided to uproot itself and tumble.

doing some edits today, expect new photos soon. also- little plug for myself, i've been working on a site finally. it's a work in progress but it's something! check it and i welcome constructive criticism - birdlime


  1. How cool is that photo..
    Your amazing at everything you do.
    I am so proud to have a best friend like you (how second grade, i know.) But i love how unique you are.. so far from mediocre (sp?) I live vicarious through you my friend!

  2. i always wanted to shoot those.....i love it!

  3. You should pick up the book Road Trip USA. It'll give some great tips on RV road trips, using more scenic back roads. Excellent book, even if you just want to live vicariously through the possibilities.

  4. @rich- great tip... i also heard there is a book call "one tank trips"i think i may give a whirl.

  5. Ha, I love it! I'll have to let my parents know, they are Airstreamers and are in FL right now.
